Bus Stop Construction Underway
COTA completes fixed route bus stop assessment; construction underway Through close collaboration with the Department of Public Works and...

Comprehensive update on public transportation development in the CNMI
COTA would like to present to the public a comprehensive update regarding the development of public transportation in the CNMI. Please...

COTA Awarded $961K in Grant Funding from FTA
The Commonwealth Office of Transit Authority (COTA) recently was awarded a total of $961,000.00 in grant funding towards the purchase of...

We Received a Massive Grant for our Fixed-Flex Project.
Hey guys! Guess what we got? Thanks to all the hard work from our staff we were granted $344,293 in grant fund money! Just like we said,...

Not Even a Typhoon Can Stop Us! Our Saturday ParaTransit Service is back.
The year of 2015 was a very unfortunate year for our island as we experienced the worse typhoon in the decade. Typhoon Souldelor...

COTA showing the Island pride on our Facebook Page.
Like Our New Facebook Banner? We are showing the Public that are COTA van is up to the task to delivering you and your family to enjoy a...